Testosterone is a vital hormone that supports metabolism, energy, bone development and sexual drive. After the age of 25 your body declines in Testosterone production. Testosterone is essential to men & women. Having medical conditions or trauma to your testicles can also decrease your testosterone production.

Pre-Consult: Our office will schedule your hormone lab panel. In office lab draw available for non-insurance or we may send lab order to LabCorp for insurance processing. Lab results are available 3-5 days after collection. ​
Consult: Medical consultation with provider to discuss health history & lab panel. Dosing of medication will be discussed during this time. 6 week of injectables will be supplied.
Appointment Duration: 45 minutes​
Therapy Options: Weekly injection or twice a week in office or at home, daily Testosterone cream taken at home
​​FOLLOW UP: 6 weeks after initial visit with provider.
Signs of Low Testosterone: Decreased sexual performance or sex drive (Low Libido), Fatigue (Lack of Energy), Brain Fog, Weight Gain, Decrease Muscle Mass, Night Sweats, Irritability, Erectile Dysfunction.
Benefits of Testosterone: Increase Sexual Performance, Improve Mood & Mental Clarity, Promote Fat Loss, Improve Sleep Cycle, Enhance Energy & Improve Work Out Athletic Profile.
How will Testosterone make me feel?: ​Your body will thrive off stable levels of testosterone injections given weekly or twice a week. In addition, after 3-4 weeks your body responds to testosterone injections essentially with increase energy, confidence, motivation and libido.
After booking your consult request, our office will contact you to confirm your appointment. Enrollment in Testosterone HRT Therapy starts at $497 which includes labs, medication & consult.